Plenary Speakers

Plenary Speakers

Plenary Speakers
Plenary Lecture I
Date & Time: March 4(Thu), 2021 / 10:40~11:20
Space Propulsion System with Green Propellants
Prof. Sejin Kwon
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Biography Abstract


Plenary Lecture II
Date & Time: March 4(Thu), 2021 / 11:20~12:00
3D Printed Liquid Rocket Engines: Advancing Performance And Size
Mr. Max Haot
CEO at Launcher, USA

Biography Abstract


Plenary Lecture III
Date & Time: March 5(Fri), 2021 / 10:40~11:20
Research and Development Progress of JAXA Kakuda Space Center
Dr. Makoto Yoshida
Kakuda Space Center, JAXA, Japan

Biography Abstract


Plenary Lecture IV
Date & Time: March 5(Fri), 2021 / 11:20~12:00
Supersonic and Hypersonic Curved Compression System and its Inverse Design
Prof. Kunyuan Zhang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Biography Abstract