Notification of FINAL PROGRAM (Presentation schedule)

2021-02-25 13:40

We highly appreciate the contribution of all the participants and we are pleased to inform you that the FINAL PROGRAM [FINAL version of the presentation schedule] of AJCPP2021 has been assigned and it is now announced.

Please check the final version of presentation schedule through the blue text below.

FINAL PROGRAM(Presentation schedule) of AJCPP2021


We would like to inform and request some important matters as below.

1. We have confirmed some of the papers that have not submitted the pre-recorded presentation videos. Those who haven't submitted it yet must submit the pre-recorded presentation videos before presentation date.

2. Each pre-recorded presentation video will be played only once in time for the presentation scheduled (due to security policy and concentration of each presentation). Given this, if interested in the presentation, do not miss the presentation and Q&A time allocated.

3. We strongly ask for participation in the pre-rehearsal of the Session Chair and Presenter for a stable Virtual Conference. Access to virtual conference rooms, rehearsal of how to participate in virtual conference rooms, etc will proceed during pre-rehearsal. Details of pre-rehearsal will be announced tomorrow.
- Session Chairs’ pre-rehearsal: March 2 (Tue), 2021 [14:00~18:00] (4h)
- Presenters’ pre-rehearsal: March 3 (Wed), 2021 [10:00-12:00] (2h), [14:00-18:00] (4h) / (Total of 6h)

4. Presenting authors, session chairs, and participants who have not yet completed their registration and payment should proceed with registration on the official website as soon as possible.

5. We kindly request you to remind all participants from China to be aware of the time lag(1 hour) between China and Korea.

For more inquiries, please contact the AJCPP2021 Secretariat.
AJCPP2021 Secretariat(